How teachers can use technology in classrooms?

Despite the fact that technology improves the teaching-learning process, many instructors have difficulty properly incorporating technology into the classroom. The good news is that the internet is flooded with a plethora of free resources that may assist instructors in delivering effective courses by increasing student involvement.

Smartphones, PCs, laptops, and tablets have become an integral part of students’ and instructors’ daily lives. Finally, what are some concrete instances of how instructors are using new forms of technology into the classroom? Even the experienced Montessori tutors need to use these technologies because even though the world is steadily coming to the normal look, it is going to take time. In fact, there’s much ambiguity whether the world will at all be back to its former self.

experienced Montessori tutors

How Can Technology Be Used in the Classroom?

Indeed, there is a prevalent misconception that incorporating technology into the classroom is a financial burden for schools. Regardless, things are quite different now. Incorporating simple technology into the classroom, such as PowerPoints, learning games, internet homework assignments, or online grading systems, can aid in student growth.

Here are five ways to incorporate technology into your classroom:

• Project-Based Education (PBL)

PBL, or project-based learning, is a type of classroom learning that helps students build skills for life in today’s technology culture. One of the most significant benefits of PBL is that it brings education closer to life. To achieve established classroom management, a successful PBL emphasizes the use of technology in conjunction with classroom instruction.

• Incorporate student input and solicit feedback

There are already a few programs that allow students to provide live feedback, and many of them can be used from cellphones as well. You may use quick and simple polling programs to get input. PollDaddy and PollEverywhere are two applications that allow creating basic polls quick and easy.

Similarly, you might use the Socrative app, which is a free tool that allows you to build everything from simple polls to more complex quizzes. You may also use it to get quick and simple feedback. Several free programs, such as these, will be quite beneficial to you.

• Excursions in the Field (Digital/Virtual)

We all know that a destination may be out of reach owing to the covid19 scenario; in this instance, you may mimic a virtual/digital journey by purchasing a Google Cardboard. It’ll cost you less than $15.

Your students might go to an exterior monument or have a pretend discussion in that country’s language, or you could examine the area from a geographic viewpoint during these visits. There are also a number of applications that may be used to learn about renowned structures and natural occurrences. Similarly, you may utilize Google Earth to get a feel for an area before going there.

• For Mini-Lessons, there are videos available

It is easier to make your mini-lessons more engaging by selecting movies that cover essential educational subjects. Many websites provide teacher-created video content, and you may search for a topic or browse by category to locate relevant videos quickly. You may impact a child’s development in a variety of areas, including memory, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving, by using various types of movies. This simple technique for incorporating technology into your classroom adds a multimedia component to your lessons, which may resonate well with visual learners.

• Gamification

Gamification has several advantages that assist improving the learning process for students at all academic levels. It may be easier than you think to incorporate the gaming mechanism that may make studying more pleasurable. Games are fantastic and extremely interesting tools for teaching students how to use keyboarding assistance.

When you incorporate games into your courses, learning becomes more enjoyable, and your classroom becomes more conducive to achieving that educational goal. Gamification aids pupils’ cognitive growth. Exercising with a communication game is also just as beneficial as regular exercise.

All things considered, you can also use social networking, which is one of the most innovative ways to bring technology into a classroom by linking students to curriculum, classroom resources, and one another.

Technology integration in the classroom helps students and instructors, as well as classmates and parents, to communicate more effectively. Students are more empowered by engaging in projects and learning activities in a creative, efficient, and secure manner when technology and 21st-century teaching methods are properly integrated in the classroom.

Published by MKU Training Institute

MKU Training Institute is a reverred montessori training center which offers Montessori distance education to students all around the globe. Offering quality training to candidates who have interest in this unique pedagogy, MKU Training Institute offers an authentic Montessori learning environment in their classroom. Whether you are looking for group training or individual options, MKU Training Institute is more than a traditional Montessori training school but has online low-cost opportunity for anyone who wants to be a Montessori teacher.

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